TLIM atau The Leader in Me tuh pelajaran terakhir di jam terakhir hari terakhir (hri Jum'at) dan paling GJ ga jelas). Di pelajaran ini, kita jarang banget deh yang namanya merhatiin gurunya karena biasanya si guru kasi kita power untuk ngelakuin apa aja. Tapi, dari 2 minggu kemaren, kita disuruh diri kita yang orang lain tuh belum pada tau. Tadi, giliran terakhir, giliran gue. Ini nih yang gue sebutin:
My name is Dalila. Dalila comes from Dalilun means Law or Sign. I was born at Palembang, 25th of June 1995 and I'm the only child in my family. That is why, I'm spoiled enough. My favorite food is Pempek (sebenernya bukan pempek aja, tapi gue ga mau bikin presentasinya jadi panjang cuma gara-gara makanan :D). My favorite color is blue. My motto is "Everything is easy when you think it is easy". And I have a favorite quotation. I got it from Bu Kiky when I was practicing my speech with her. It is "Do not see the whole staircase, but just take the first step". Any question ?
Question session :
Keke : when you have done something good, then how you maintain it ?
Me : I'll find my motivator when I'm trying to achieve it. Then, when I've achieved it, I'll share it to my motivator. My motivator is the one whom always give suggestion to maintain my achievement, give support and remind me everything I should do to keep my achievement. So, when I'm getting down, my motivator will ask me to fix up my problem.
Anshor : who is your motivator ?
Dika : Siddiq.
Me : No, he's not. My motivator is my bestfriend.
Uum : who is your bestfriend ?
Me : Up until now, My real best-friends are Seiful and Laila.
Bu Indri : So, what's the sentence that could describe you ?
Me : MELANKOLIK. I'm such a sensitive-girl. However, up until now, I've never got angry to any people although they've made me sad or feel uncomfortable.
Tere : Is there someone you hate in this school ?
Me : There's no. But, there's people who make me feel uncomfortable.
Danu : What is the worst memory you have up until now ?
Me : Remembering my father. When I'm seeing a girl close to her father, then they make me jealous, I just go away from them and cry. (mata berkaca-kaca).
Danu : Sorry, Dalila. (wajah polos)
Me : That's fine (mencoba tersenyum, padahal air mata gue udah jatuh).
Dari pertanyaan itu lah gue nangis. Gue udah nahan buat ga nangis, tapi air mata itu tetep ngalir dengan tenangnya di pipi gue. Sebenernya gue ga punya niat sama sekali buat nangis, tapi, sekali lagi, air mata itu keluar dengan sendirinya. Akhirnya, Bu Indri bilang, "okay, I think the time is up and you can have your break". Gue pun balik ke kursi gue sambil bikin air mata gue stop ngalir. Adila pun ngebelai badan gue dan berusaha buat gue jadi lebih tenang dan berenti nangis. Danu pun dateng ke kursi gue dan minta maaf lagi. Aku pun mencoba ngejelasin ke Danu kalo gue ga-pa-pa. Dan akhirnya, gue bisa berenti nangis dan mencoba buat kasi senyum aku ke Adila yang udah panik gara-gara ngeliat gue nangis.
(gerutu dalam hati)
Gue paling benci kalo udah inget moment itu. Gue pun ga tau, sebenernya gue udah bisa nerima gak sih kalo ayah gue itu ga da lagi ? Kalo gue ke inget masalah itu, sering gue bilang ke diri gue sendiri kalo gue benci ayah gue karena dia ga ngasih gue kasih sayang dari gue kecil. Keinginan gue yang gue tau ga bakalan tercapai adalah keinginan gue ngerasain kasih sayang ayah gue :'(
My name is Dalila. Dalila comes from Dalilun means Law or Sign. I was born at Palembang, 25th of June 1995 and I'm the only child in my family. That is why, I'm spoiled enough. My favorite food is Pempek (sebenernya bukan pempek aja, tapi gue ga mau bikin presentasinya jadi panjang cuma gara-gara makanan :D). My favorite color is blue. My motto is "Everything is easy when you think it is easy". And I have a favorite quotation. I got it from Bu Kiky when I was practicing my speech with her. It is "Do not see the whole staircase, but just take the first step". Any question ?
Question session :
Keke : when you have done something good, then how you maintain it ?
Me : I'll find my motivator when I'm trying to achieve it. Then, when I've achieved it, I'll share it to my motivator. My motivator is the one whom always give suggestion to maintain my achievement, give support and remind me everything I should do to keep my achievement. So, when I'm getting down, my motivator will ask me to fix up my problem.
Anshor : who is your motivator ?
Dika : Siddiq.
Me : No, he's not. My motivator is my bestfriend.
Uum : who is your bestfriend ?
Me : Up until now, My real best-friends are Seiful and Laila.
Bu Indri : So, what's the sentence that could describe you ?
Me : MELANKOLIK. I'm such a sensitive-girl. However, up until now, I've never got angry to any people although they've made me sad or feel uncomfortable.
Tere : Is there someone you hate in this school ?
Me : There's no. But, there's people who make me feel uncomfortable.
Danu : What is the worst memory you have up until now ?
Me : Remembering my father. When I'm seeing a girl close to her father, then they make me jealous, I just go away from them and cry. (mata berkaca-kaca).
Danu : Sorry, Dalila. (wajah polos)
Me : That's fine (mencoba tersenyum, padahal air mata gue udah jatuh).
Dari pertanyaan itu lah gue nangis. Gue udah nahan buat ga nangis, tapi air mata itu tetep ngalir dengan tenangnya di pipi gue. Sebenernya gue ga punya niat sama sekali buat nangis, tapi, sekali lagi, air mata itu keluar dengan sendirinya. Akhirnya, Bu Indri bilang, "okay, I think the time is up and you can have your break". Gue pun balik ke kursi gue sambil bikin air mata gue stop ngalir. Adila pun ngebelai badan gue dan berusaha buat gue jadi lebih tenang dan berenti nangis. Danu pun dateng ke kursi gue dan minta maaf lagi. Aku pun mencoba ngejelasin ke Danu kalo gue ga-pa-pa. Dan akhirnya, gue bisa berenti nangis dan mencoba buat kasi senyum aku ke Adila yang udah panik gara-gara ngeliat gue nangis.
(gerutu dalam hati)
Gue paling benci kalo udah inget moment itu. Gue pun ga tau, sebenernya gue udah bisa nerima gak sih kalo ayah gue itu ga da lagi ? Kalo gue ke inget masalah itu, sering gue bilang ke diri gue sendiri kalo gue benci ayah gue karena dia ga ngasih gue kasih sayang dari gue kecil. Keinginan gue yang gue tau ga bakalan tercapai adalah keinginan gue ngerasain kasih sayang ayah gue :'(
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