Good day! I was joining a typically try out entrance exam of Universitas Indonesia @graha sriwijaya convention hall. Not too far from my dorm, only fifteen minutes by car. Then, we took "Angkot" for the transportation. When we arrived, many other students have arrived too. Many many of them use their own cars, unlike us, a group of dorm studs, taking angkot to reach that hall. Well, we came in and register ourselves, then we got a silver voucher card, Kartu As dari Telkomsel freely. I got one as the same as others. Thus, we came in to the hall and took a sit in the middle of first science block. An hour later, the event was opened and few minutes after that, we started the test. First paper was Kemampuan Dasar paper, contains of 45 questions. First page was full of math questions, half page o page 2 too. You know, maths questions could drive me crazy. So, I directly turn the page into page three which contains of 15 Bahasa Indonesia questions. I got stuck on some questions, but I just continue my work to other questions, English questions. After answering English questions, I turned the page back into first page. Seeing the answerable maths question then try to solve it. I finally could answer 5 questions out of fifteen :D #miriiiss
Then the committee said "time is up" and they distributed another thick paper titled Kemampuan IPA. We have 55 questions to solved in 90 minutes. This paper contains maths, biology, chemistry and physics questions. Again, I turned the math question page, as well as physic page. I could feel depressed if I solved that questions first. Around 50 minutes later, I try to see math and physic questions and try to solve it. However, none of those 20 questions I can solved T.T I forgot all the formula and always got stuck in answering it. Then, I gave up and I just tried to guess the answer. After all, we've done the test and have a snack time.Finally I could fill my stomach with something cause I didn't take my breakfast and it was 12.00 already. Imagine how hungry I was! Within 2 hours, I just sit down on my chair, hearing the MC's talking and laughing at the 'sissy'. Then, at 2.00, the results of TO has published and I was on the thirtieth rank with the score 130 (32,5%) out of 878 participants. I was proud of my rank :D By this result, I could measure my ability in solving typical SNMPTN questions :) This test not include the TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik). If then there is TPA, means I could gain score more than 45% My target is 65% to pass the passing grade of FK UI. I have to be optimistic on this way. So, I need to learn more how to solve the math and physic questions to reach that 65% standard :)
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