Today is Monday. But, this Monday is quite different from other Monday. Why ? Because I don't feel such a syndrome-monday where everything run badly. Fortunately, today, everything is run well. I thought it just because I have good mood since the beginning of the day.
Early in the morning, around 03.00 am, I was woken up by my friend and my roommate too because I wanna pray. Well, I was quite unhappy because he tried to call me over and over. Meanwhile, I've woken up ,- At 03.30, I slept again on a bed next to yug gigits' side. Then, at 04.00, he (person whom I told before) called me again. On one hand, I feel disturbed by him. On another side, I feel happy because it's a rare event for me to get such a loving care from him.
Anyway, let's move on to the main story. At 5.00, I woke up again for the third time, to took a bath. After that, I tidied up my bed and prepare all my stationaries for exam today. 06.30, took breakfast and went to the school. Before I went to the class, Alisra and I bought some snacks first because we'll be carantined for about 7 hours (07.30-02.30).
Today, I have my first IGCSE exams apart from the speaking test one. I have Mathematics exam paper 2. I have it at 02.30 pm. So, we ( students who join the exam) wait in carantined room/waiting room. While we were waiting, my friends and I ate snacks that we bought to prevent we fall asleep. As we were eating our snacks, one of my friend told us that the result of TOEFL test has been sticked on announcement board. So, all of us went to the notice board beside our waiting room. Another happy thing happened. I am the best 20th from 171 students with the score 493. It is quite good score for Senior high school level. Thanks to God I got that kind of score :)
Then, we back again to the class. Wait again, then have our lunch, pray and back again, and wait again. Seems so bored :D We think so, but because we have lots of snacks and food to eat, so we enjoy the bored-carantine time. And finally, at 02.15, we were out from the class and lining up on the coridor to enter the examination class. Tengtengteng.... We were so nervous in facing our first writing test :D When the invigilators opened up the exam-sheet envelope, my heartbeat got faster. And after they distributed the exam paper, we all asked to start the exam. The paper contains of 12 printed pages. I opened the first page and continued to the last page. Then, I said, "thanks God, only one question about locus (topic I hate most)". For 90 minutes, we finished our work and we were asked to leave the class. And we all said, "Alhamdulillah!" :)
everything is run well today :) I love monday :D
Early in the morning, around 03.00 am, I was woken up by my friend and my roommate too because I wanna pray. Well, I was quite unhappy because he tried to call me over and over. Meanwhile, I've woken up ,- At 03.30, I slept again on a bed next to yug gigits' side. Then, at 04.00, he (person whom I told before) called me again. On one hand, I feel disturbed by him. On another side, I feel happy because it's a rare event for me to get such a loving care from him.
Anyway, let's move on to the main story. At 5.00, I woke up again for the third time, to took a bath. After that, I tidied up my bed and prepare all my stationaries for exam today. 06.30, took breakfast and went to the school. Before I went to the class, Alisra and I bought some snacks first because we'll be carantined for about 7 hours (07.30-02.30).
Today, I have my first IGCSE exams apart from the speaking test one. I have Mathematics exam paper 2. I have it at 02.30 pm. So, we ( students who join the exam) wait in carantined room/waiting room. While we were waiting, my friends and I ate snacks that we bought to prevent we fall asleep. As we were eating our snacks, one of my friend told us that the result of TOEFL test has been sticked on announcement board. So, all of us went to the notice board beside our waiting room. Another happy thing happened. I am the best 20th from 171 students with the score 493. It is quite good score for Senior high school level. Thanks to God I got that kind of score :)
Then, we back again to the class. Wait again, then have our lunch, pray and back again, and wait again. Seems so bored :D We think so, but because we have lots of snacks and food to eat, so we enjoy the bored-carantine time. And finally, at 02.15, we were out from the class and lining up on the coridor to enter the examination class. Tengtengteng.... We were so nervous in facing our first writing test :D When the invigilators opened up the exam-sheet envelope, my heartbeat got faster. And after they distributed the exam paper, we all asked to start the exam. The paper contains of 12 printed pages. I opened the first page and continued to the last page. Then, I said, "thanks God, only one question about locus (topic I hate most)". For 90 minutes, we finished our work and we were asked to leave the class. And we all said, "Alhamdulillah!" :)
everything is run well today :) I love monday :D