At 1.30 p.m , I joined ICT practical exam which is paper 2 of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) subject. I'm studying IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) Curriculum and KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan). Anyway, we continue to my ICT practical exam . It contains of 2 parts, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel test. Finally, I could do it well. I finished it at 2.30 p.m . But, I still sit on my chair and do not want to go out from the class. The invigilator has reminded me that I can go from the class if I want. He was Pak Andri (the most handsome teacher in my school :D) . Because I've finished my exam, I just checked the answer and I send it three times . I was afraid that it would not arrive on my teacher's e-mail. At 3.00, time's up ! So, my friends and I leave the classroom. Outside of the class, there was Pak Nanang (my advisor). Then , my friends and I asked his promises. He promised to treat us (ice cream and meatball alias BAKSO). Suddenly, we saw our friends ( Fajar and Nana) bring a plastic of ice creams. Then, they gave it to us. It was Conello ice cream :* I love it so much :* I love pak Nanang :* :D . Whats a kind man :) Thank you bapak :)
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